Vegan Almond Dark Chocolate

For today’s recipe, we can definitely say that’s the best dessert we made so far! The idea of making our own almond dark chocolate was always in our minds, but somehow we were always more into buying it instead of making it.

“Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.” ― Jo Brand

This amazing Vegan Almond Dark Chocolate is, in our opinion, the best dessert for all chocolate lovers!Almond Dark Chocolate
The secret in making really great chocolate is in its ingredients! We used organic high-quality ingredients. For reaching a perfectly smooth chocolate texture use powdered coconut sugar. This way you are ensuring that it doesn’t sink to the bottom whilst the chocolate is setting. Coconut sugar is healthier than traditional white sugar, and so far is a better option.
Ingredients for Homemade Chocolate
The process of making chocolate is very simple. Anyone can make it! All you have to do is to melt all the ingredients over a double boiler. When chocolate is set, use a chocolate mold or a parchment paper-lined dish. We don’t have any silicone mold for this purposes, this is why we used a second option. 
Dark Chocolate with Almonds
When it comes to choosing topping ingredients this is where your creativity can pop up. 🙂 We chose roasted almonds. But feel free to use anything you like, maybe mixed nuts and dried fruits. Anything is allowed here. 🙂

Let us know if you like this recipe. Here are some other chocolate vegan recipes that we have on our website that can suit you well: Chocolate Banana Pancakes, Red Bean Chocolate & Coconut Mousse, and Chocolate Blueberry Ice Cream (Nice Cream).
Vegan Dark Chocolate
Prep time: 40 min   Cook time: 5-10 min   Total: 45-50 min   Servings: 6




  • 1/2 cup (about 100 g) raw cacao butter (chopped)
  • 6 tablespoons (about 80 g) raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) coconut sugar

TOPPING Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup (about 70 g) roasted almonds


  • Finely grind the coconut sugar until you reach powdery texture.
  • Roughly chop cacao butter. This way it will melt faster, and no chunks will be formed.
  • All cacao butter and coconut sugar in a glass bowl and melt over a double boiler for a couple of minutes. Stir from time to time. When melted add cacao powder and mix in thoroughly.
  • Pour the mixture on a parchment paper-lined container or baking dish. Add roasted almonds on top. Freeze for at least 30 minutes.
  • When set, break the chocolate into small or large pieces.
  • Serve and enjoy your Vegan Almond Dark Chocolate.

Almond Dark Chocolate with Coconut Sugar

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